Valves, actuators

Green Italy has a vast experience in the Valves sector. This experience derives from the fact that:

  • The Purchasing Manager (also partner of Green Italy): Mario Angeloni worked in his company: Angeloni Srl as General Manager for more than 30 years in the field of Purchasing Management, working with large groups such as Technip, Snam Progetti, KT -Technimont.

During this extended period, he not only acquired a vast experience with regards to the purchase of Valves and Actuators, but also and above all he established consolidated contacts with the largest valves manufacturers: FlowServe, Masoneilan, Emerson, Fisher, …

  • The General Manager (majority shareholder of Green Italy): Guido Capobianco has acquired a vast experience working as International Sales Manager in the company Remosa Spa, which was a leading company in the production and maintenance of Valves and Actuators, with a consolidated experience in the largest industrial plants not only in Italy, but all over the world.        

In the top submenu of “Equipment & Spare Parts,” you will find the list of the main brands and manufacturers with which Green-Italy has worked in the last 4 years.

But we have no problem approaching new brands, if the customer specifically asks for it.